Dr Greens Agent X Synthetic Urine Review 2024

This post talked about Dr. Greens Agent X premix synthetic urine. We discuss its ingredients, chemical formula, expiry date, and does it pass a lab test.

Dr greens synthetic urine is premix synthetic urine, meaning you can use it directly for experiments. It is ready-to-use synthetic urine. You need to heat the Dr. greens synthetic urine for 10 seconds to keep it at body temperature.

Dr Greens Agent X Synthetic Urine Review

Synthetic urine has become a more popular way to beat urine tests. You have to beat the drug test to get a job. So either you have to stay clean before the drug test, or you should apply for a job that doesn’t drug test. For example, if you want to get a job as a truck driver, you must pass the urine test. Here is a list of trucking companies that do urine drug tests.

Dr. Greens Agent X premixed fake pee


Dr. Greens Agent X ingredients:

Before using any urine for a lab test, you should be aware of its ingredients. You should make sure that the ingredients in agent x must be toxins free. Let’s look at Agent X’s synthetic ingredients:

Uric acid and urea: The synthetic urine must contain urea and uric acid. You should avoid buying urine that does not contain urea and uric acid. The Dr. Green Agent X synthetic pee contains urea and uric acid as the main ingredients.

Dr. Greens Agent X urine claimed that its synthetic urine contains biocide. Biocide is a substance that is used to kill bacteria. Biocide keeps synthetic urine fresh for a long time. You don’t need to worry about the Dr. Greens Agent X PreMix urine freshness even if you keep it open for some time.

But one big disadvantage of synthetic urine that contains biocide is that the lab can detect biocide in urine. Yes, the lab can detect biocide in synthetic urine, making Dr. greens agent x urine unsuitable for the drug test. Human urine does not contain biocide, so when the lab catches it in your urine, it is a big red flag about its validity. The lab will fail you in a drug test if your urine contains urea.

So You should not use green agent x urine to pass the drug test. Testclear powdered urine is a good alternative to green agent x urine.

 Biocide is a preservative that keeps the urine fresh and prevents it from going bad. But the lab can detect the presence of biocide in urine. So if you are looking to pass the urine test, then Dr. Greens Agent X urine is not for you. You can use synthetic urine for a prank or some naughty experiment.

Let’s move to the other section of the Dr. Greens Agent X premixed  synthetic urine review:

Dr. Greens Agent X PreMix synthetic urine kit:

Let’s talked about what the Agent x synthetic urine kit contains:

The agent x synthetic urine contains:

1> 3 Oz of agent x PreMix syntheti urine .The bottle has a flip cap that helps release urine samples from the bottle to the urine specimen collection cup.

2> Heat pad- kit contains 1 heat pad that you can use to keep urine warm. You should always keep the urine at the right temperature for the drug test. The lab checks the temperature of a urine sample. The lab might find your sample suspicious if it is outside the correct urine temperature range. A digitally controlled device like the urinator is used to warm the urine for the test.

Temperature strip: The temperature strip tells about the urine temperature. The strip contains several dots that shows the temperature range.

Does Dr. Greens Agent X premixed fake pee contain urea?

Yes, Dr. Greens Agent X Synthetic urine contains urea and urea acid. Urea and uric acid are the main ingredients in real human urine.

Will Dr. Greens Agent X pee pass a lab test?

It isn’t easy to pass the lab test with Dr. Greens Agent X urine. It contains a biocide, which most the lab can detect. Lab uses urine sample specimen validity tests to check whether the submitted urine sample is real or synthetic.

How long does dr greens agent x last?

The dr green agent x urine contains biocide. The biocide preserves synthetic urine for a long duration. Biocide kills bacteria and increases the shelf life of synthetic urine. Dr green agent x urine has a shelf life of two years. You can keep synthetic urine for a long without keeping it in a refrigerator.

Where to buy Dr. Greens Agent X Urine?

You can buy dr green agent x online from detoxforless.com. Dr green agent x urine might not be available at local head shops.

Can you reheat Dr. Greens Agent X?

Yes, you can reheat Dr. Greens synthetic urine. The dr green agent x urine is reheatable.

How to conceal Dr. Greens Agent X premixed fake pee?

You must use a leg strap or rubber band to hide the agent x urine under your pants. Females can keep agent x urine in their bra, and males can keep agent x urine in their underwear. You can try an incognito belt to hide the urine.

What are the ingredients in Dr. Greens Agent X?

Urea and uric acid are the main ingredients in Dr x urine.

Can you use Dr. Greens Agent X more than once?

Dr. Greens agent synthetic pee contains 3oz /80 ml of premix synthetic urine. Urine drug testing requires min 30ml of urine, which means you use agent x urine two times for the test.


The Dr green agent x is affordable compared to other synthetic urine brands. It is good urine for a prank or fetish pee experiment. But it is not good for passing the lab test.

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