Specimen Validity Testing Synthetic Urine

A urine drug test is the most common form of conducting a drug test for the reason that organizations get immediate results of the drug test and they can draw an easy conclusion regarding the consumption of drugs by a person. Most people use synthetic urine to pass a drug test easily.

To maintain the integrity of a drug test, specialized Specimen Validity Testing is done. It checks the urine sample for various factors to figure out if the sample given to the lab authorities is fake or not. But, can a Specimen Validity Test check for synthetic urine, and can fake urine pass a Specimen Validity Test? Let us find out. 

What is Specimen Validity Testing?

Specimen Validity Testing or SVT is performed on synthetic urine to detect it for substitution, adulteration, or dilution. Specimen Validity Testing is done specifically on urine to ensure that the urine sample submitted by a person in the laboratory does not contain any fake components and the urine is organic and unadulterated. Specimen Validity Testing checks certain factors. Let us discuss them further.

Specimen Validity Testing

What Factors Are Checked For In A SVT?

In Specimen Validity Testing (SVT), the lab professionals assure that the urine sample provided to them is not fake, adulterated, or diluted by bringing into account the following factors. 

Creatinine Concentration

Creatinine is a waste product formulated by kidneys in the human body that further becomes an important constituent of urine. Organic urine has creatinine concentration at or above 20 mg/dL. Thus, in SVT it is checked if the urine sample matches the creatinine concentration. If not, it is disregarded by the lab professionals. 

Specific Gravity Levels

Specific gravity levels test the urine for the concentration of dissolved particles in it. Human urine should have specific gravity levels ranging between 1.0020 to 1.0200. In SVT, if urine does not pass this specific gravity level, it is considered to be diluted and hence the drug test report is considered invalid. 

pH Levels

pH levels measure the acid-base concentration of a substance. Normally, human urine has a pH close to 7, which is neutral. However, the consumption of other drinks, juices, and compounds by humans can affect the range of pH. As per the Specimen Validity Testing criteria, the pH level of the urine sample given by an individual should be between 4.5 to 9. Any value more or less than this can create suspicion. 

Can You Pass Specimen Validity Test With Synthetic Urine?

Yes, you can submit synthetic urine samples in a Specimen Validity Test and it might not get detected by the lab professionals. You only need to ensure that the synthetic urine sample does not have any traces of adulteration and it is biocide-free. If not, the people at the laboratory will easily be able to find oxidizing adulterants in the urine sample and it will be regarded as an adulterated specimen. You will then have to appear for the drug test again.

Moreover, you need to keep in check that the fake pee sample that you are wanting to submit to your Specimen Validity Testing has a pH ranging between 4.5 to 9. If the pH value gets disturbed, the lab authorities will automatically conclude that you have given synthetic urine for Specimen Validity Testing. Also, ensure that the level of specific gravity is maintained in the synthetic urine. Specimen Validity Testing synthetic urine is common, but if done smartly, you can get through the drug test painlessly.  

Frequently Asked Questions

1) What is a substituted specimen?

1) Whenever a person submits a fake urine sample in the laboratory for the drug test and if it gets detected by the lab professionals in the Specimen Validity Testing (SVT), the specimen is regarded as a substitute specimen, and the person either fails the drug test or he is required to submit the sample again.

2) What is an oxidizing adulterant?

2) Oxidizing adulterant is a substance that acts alone or in combination with other substances to oxidize the drugs present in the urine. It helps in removing the traces of drugs from the urine and thus the urine sample given by an individual becomes adulterated and the creatinine levels and specific gravity value of the urine sample do not match organic urine. 

3) Will synthetic urine be detected in a Specimen Validity Test?

3) Synthetic urine can pass SVT without getting detected only if the quality of urine is top-notch and the constituents within the urine have proper levels of creatinine and other compounds. The specific gravity levels and the pH range of the synthetic urine should match with organic urine to get a negative drug test report. 


Specific Validity Testing is purposely done to detect synthetic pee at a better level than it is done by other testing methods. It checks the urine for certain parameters such as pH value, creatinine levels, and specific gravity levels to ensure that the urine sample submitted by a person is not fake. However, in certain cases, synthetic pee can pass a Specimen Validity Test too if the parameters are well-checked. 


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