Spike Urine Additive Reviews: How to use it For Better Result

Clear choice experts spend thousands of hours and a lot of money to create the Spike Urine Additive, but does it work for a drug test? Let’s find out in this urine additive review.
A urine Additive is a liquid that purifies the urine. It neutralizes the toxins present in the urine. It kills the drug toxin metabolites from your urine and cleans your urine. Several brands offer urine adulterants that remove toxins from your urine. In this Spike Urine Additive review, we discuss how urine additive work, their benefits, and how to use them.

Clear Choice spike additive review

Looking for the smallest, most potent, and undetectable urine purifier? Look no further than the Spike Urine Additive! This colorless and odorless solution is a game-changer, especially for random tests at work. It works wonders by instantly neutralizing any toxins in your urine, ensuring that your sample remains clean and undetectable. With Spike Urine Additive, you can trust that it will neutralize all toxins on contact, providing you with the confidence you need for any testing situation. Don’t leave your results to chance – choose Spike for a reliable and discreet solution to purify your urine effectively. The spike urine additive is a product developed by clear choice to pass the urine test. The clear choice is a well-known brand established in 1993 that sells various detox products that helps people to prepare for the test.

spike additive review


What is spike urine additive?

The spike urine additive is a urine cleaner that kills the drug toxins from the urine. It removes the traces of drug toxins from your urine. The urine test is used to detect the presence of illicit substances in the urine. When you smoked any illegal drugs in the past, then those drugs get metabolized in your body. The drugs can stay in your body for several weeks, and traces of those drugs can be found in urine, saliva, and hair.
The urine drug test identifies the drug metabolites in your urine. You will fail a drug test if the drug test detects the illicit substance in your urine. So you will not get a job or get fired from your current job if you fail the drug test.
To avoid failing a drug test, people use several tricks to pass the urine test. One such technique is to use urine additive liquid that instantly cleans traces of the illegal substance from your urine.


  • The spike additive is a small-size urine adulterant liquid that removes the drug traces from the urine.
  • It quickly dissolves in the urine.
  • It is a colorless and odorless liquid, so when you add it to your urine, it will not change the color and odor of the urine.

How to use spike additive.

clear choice spike urine additive


When you purchase the spike additive kit, you will get The two micro vials of 1.5ml Size. You need to pour the content of the vial into your urine sample. If you are a light/occasional smoker, you need one vial to neutralize your urine. Pour one vial into your urine to remove the toxins from your urine. A heavy smoker must pour two spike additive vials into urine to kill the toxins in your urine. Heavy smokers have high toxin buildup in their bodies, so they will need two vials to clean up the toxin buildup from the urine.
One vial can clean upto 4oz of urine. To clean more than 4oz of urine, you need two vials.

Does spike urine additive work for a drug test?

The spike urine additive is good for passing the instant cup test or the urine dipstick test. But it does not work when your urine sample is sent to the lab for testing. For example, passing the LabCorp, Concentra drug test with spike urine additive is difficult. It will not beat the lab test that uses the GS/MS method, but it can pass the at-home drug test and most of the drug tests that use the EMIT testing method.

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Spike Urine Additive is suitable for people who don’t have time to detox their bodies. Naturally, detoxing your body will take some time, so when you don’t have enough time to prepare for the test, you can use urine additives to neutralize the urine. It is suitable for people afraid to use synthetic urine for the test. It is a small vial that can easily hide for the test.


  • It is the smallest, most potent urine adulterant that destroys the toxins from your urine.
  • It instantly neutralizes toxins from the urine.
  • It is suitable for people who don’t have time for detox.
  • It can pass the at-home drug test and the instant drug test.
  • It is undetectable and can use to pass the instant cup and urine dipstick test.
  • It is easy to conceal the spike urine additive.
  • It is suitable for light/occasional smokers for removing toxin buildup from the urine.


  •  Some laboratories, like LabCorp, Concentra, may detect Spike Additive during analysis, making passing lab-tested urine samples even more challenging.
  • It is expensive as compare to the other products like Klear,Urine Luck Additive. 
  • There is no information about its ingredients and chemical formula.
  • It do get expired after the expiry date. You can find the it’s expiry date underneath its container.



The spike urine additive is a good urine adulterant to add to your urine. It can pass the instant cup and dipstick urine test. But for passing the lab test, clear choice sub-solution synthetic urine is better than the spike additive.

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